this is too short...i think there's more to relay in his work. mentioning 90's sherman is smart but potentially misdirecting viewers if they are not imagining the work you include in the wide category of 90's sherman.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Olaf Breuning
this is too short...i think there's more to relay in his work. mentioning 90's sherman is smart but potentially misdirecting viewers if they are not imagining the work you include in the wide category of 90's sherman.
Matthew Keable Artist Statement By Bea
bea, this is good. i would lose loosely and make that sentence more pointed.
neda's artist statement (by neda)
In this body of work, appropriation is a reoccurring means to a meta-narrative which speaks of history in terms of first hand experience.
Other reoccurring qualities include autonomy, physical encounters, installations, universality and escapism.
Still, these qualities are ill defined in the work and the collection hovers at the intersection of potential paths waiting to be embarked upon.
neda, this statement is confusing. please rewrite for next week.
for starters, how about this change:
Appropriation is a reoccurring means to address the meta-narrative in terms of first hand experience. I appreciate the attempt at reoccurring qualities, work on this list. also rename, maybe as artistic strategies? autonomy and installations should not be in the same list....keep going!
Harvey's Artist Statement (by Neda)
not bad...drop social experimentation and reaction and go straight into the rest of the sentence. Fabrics may work better as fabric singular. I think it's important to mention harvey is writing the code himself, or hacking/manipulating existing code...and that this is a place of 'art-making'. Unsuspected twist overly simplifies the work...rework this phrase
Olaf Breuning Statement by Neda
A seeming disarray of subjects, actors, places and mediums, Olaf Breuning’s work would come off as sporadic and unorganized, if not for the consistent language they speak in and the message they carry.
It asks the big questions, ones that every human being, by nature, indefinitely asks of the world. In this way his work is a mark for human kind, something we can all relate to.
It lives outside of the pretentious cage of the art scene, speaking to civilization in all of its mass consumerism and technological innovation.
In an age where machines are inescapable and technology has relieved us of human error, Breuning celebrates our imperfections, while recognizing the necessity of technological tools in our mass society. Celebrating human and machine imperfections, and using them as a means of art making, his work has the ability to give us a little comfort and tenderness in our existence
His work directly interacts with the materials and relics of our culture, hovering between reality and fantasy.
The raw imperfections purposefully exposed in his work parallel the nature of life. Olaf Breuning doesn’t look for formal appraisal from the art world. His intention is simple like his work. In a world abundant in cultural distractions, we are reminded of our most basic and essential quality, that we are all human beings.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Matthew Keable statement, by Matthew
Bea Fremderman statement, by Matthew
lose the first two sentences. i think the possibilities of bea's work are broader and deserve more investigation....
Personal artist statement-Ayla Hibri.
What stuck me the most, coming from Lebanon, where my childhood and youth was not lacking in experiences—including war and political turmoil, but also including luxury and artistic expression that is fresh and not derived, albeit irregular and chaotic—is that Americans were yearning for experience and existential meaning, a concept unnecessary to most outside the United States. Is this what happens to society, once it has peaked?
I must say I was culture shocked for the fist time in my life, and through my work so far, I have been trying to understand this, and in the same time, try to show where I come.
To do so, I have been coming up with different techniques. I found that giving myself a goal and doing whatever it takes to conclude it, either by repetition or long never ending processes helped me forget, it was like mediation. I thought of nothing except the present, 60 paper boats in 2 hours. Writing the same sentence over and over again, watching the water dripping transform my image. I did not care about the end product. For me, it was the about process.
And when I felt the need to scream out where I come from, and how I am different, I tried to imagine performances that called out for immediate attention, that touched other people s week points.
This working technique will be ephemeral, since I know that eventually all this will pass, and I will have different things to say.
ayla, there's some good content in this to work out. i think this is too first person and biographical, but i understand the difficulty in getting around this. here's the start of a second draft:
My artwork explores the tension between a Lebanese upbringing informed by war and political turmoil, and an adulthood contextualized by the American artistic yearning for experience and existential meaning. I attempt to reconcile these two paradigms through a focus on artistic process over end product, meditative acts that in themselves speak to a personal politics of investigation....
Billy's artist statement.
Though very diverse, and mostly applying photography as his tool, Billy Buck’s work is indeed prompted from deep inside. His work ranges from funny, sweet, tender to angry passive and aggressive. He evidently relies on his gut and emotions to come up with his ideas.
Attached to his childhood house, and trying to bid his farewell and move on, “I did this 4 u” was a way for him to let go of his nostalgia and greet subtly, but effectively the new owners of his house. He made sure though not to flaunt it, instead putting it somewhere discreet, hoping one day, maybe, they will find it.
He works with things that he finds, things that find him or things he has collected over the years. He appropriated passive aggressive notes, and studied the relationship between human beings, and how sarcasm is a way of communicating, just by writing them on a white piece of paper, and using his handwriting, he managed to get his message through.
Using text messages he’s kept from his parents, he delicately marked photo paper and made their words permanent using is a slow meditative process.
Billy’s work is sprung from what he has lived or witnessed, he is an observer studying himself and other human beings and coming up with work that always manages to touch you.
Using a variety of media with a focus on photography, Billy Buck’s work is prompted from biographical narratives of exchange. Mining the residue(s) of emotional and physical transactions, Billy manifests questions of intention, identity, progress, and loss...
Artist Statement for Whitney
Olaf Breuning Artist Statement
My Artist Statement
I investigate inconsistencies behind the idea of utopia as well as its relationships to reality and unreality. I hope to bring about questions and create a sense of awareness concerning these issues.
Artist Statement.Aaron Smith.& B.E.Fisher
aaron smith artist statements
your personal statement needs a lot of work...the writing is awkward and missing grammar and words (i think you need 'when' at the beginning of your 2nd sentence for starters). rewrite with some help from a friend and lets revisit this next week
rework and expand the red
Olaf Breuning
Breuning's films, especially "Home" starting Brian Herstetter, seem to represent wonderfully his approach to the rest of his art making. Playing with the difference between fantasy and falsity, Breuning mixes just enough reality to make you feel uncomfortable for laughing. Whether filming his friend's commentary on native New Guinean rituals or dressing people up in elaborate costumes (such as the 2007 piece "Band"), Breuning brings a playful sensibility to his works. Even digital/internet based projects such as the 2003 series "I Never Invite My Friends Again, They Are Wired" or the endless string of links titled "Nothing-Comes-From-Nothing", Breuning challenges the viewer to not only view his work, but especially to participate.
this needs a lot of work...avoid defining breuning's work by referencing his work (1st sentence). think about broader artistic strategies, themes, and content and address these....
Elise Hibbard
this is a good start but seems to avoid discussing much of her work (the TTV project using her grandmother's camera for instance)...please expand...
Ayla's artist statement
this writing is a bit awkward--rewrite the first sentence for starters. what materials is she using? also, rewrite the last sentence, it's important that we understand clearly that process is her practice....
My artist statement (Billy)
the first sentence makes no sentence. this is vague, short, unacceptable...
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Walgreen's Health Risk Assessments

The Walgreens website has a health section with a whole list of risk assessments (cancer, stress & anxiety, career burnout) and calculators (body mass index, desirable body weight). I decided to take these tests and see where Walgreens recommended I start toward self-improvement. According to Walgreens I am overweight, at high risk for cancer, a workaholic, and have "sleep problems". Thanks Walgreens!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Olaf Breuning – Artist Statement
Interested in the intersection between the familiar and the absurd, Olaf Breuning explores mystic imagery to relay truths amidst humanity. Through mediums such as photography, installation, sculpture, film and drawing, Breuning uses repetition, color and pattern to emphasize conceptions within his artwork. Inanimate objects are personified though simple gestures while the human figure stands in as symbolic representation. By way of these gestures and symbols, a distinct recurring language is presented in Olaf Breuning’s work. With this established vocabulary, Breuning produces narratives that convey humor, honesty and uncertainty of the world that surrounds us. The autonomous works present an imagination that exists in an unidealized yet sensitive society that Breuning constructs.
this is vague, what's the content of the work? his work does not explore mystic imagery, and amidst humanity needs editing...
Olaf Breuning
Olaf Breuning Artist Statement
Olaf Breuning
Olaf Breuning’s artwork derives many of its themes from aspects of popular culture as well as universal images and symbols. Breuning utilizes a variety of mediums, which include: photography, sculpture, video, and installation. Many of his pieces are staged and digitally manipulated. While other artists who work in this manner attempt to make their artifice look as authentic as possible, Breuning’s set-ups are crudely arranged and have a playful messiness to them. This crudeness becomes a part of the content in his work.
Breuning approaches his pieces and ideas in a child-like manner. His artwork reminds us of the way in which a child perceives the world, and this peculiar outlook that the artist employs as an adult is part of what makes his work so successful you can't have a value judgement in the middle of an artist statement. Furthermore, this aspect of Breuning’s practice is reinforced by his use of cultural archetypes to explore fundamental human impulses and instincts such as sexuality, friendship, and violence. For example, his portrayal of social and historical groups such as Vikings, cavemen, and natives is so playful and unpolished that it walks the line between humor and bad taste.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
rest of term itinerary
to bring an idea for a class assignment until 3/29...
Wk 8 - 3/22/10
Walgreens crit
Make new work using any assignment method used so far…and/or redevelop
any old projects you are not yet happy with…
Students exchange portfolios with someone else in class….write an
artist statement for yourself and someone else in the class. Bring
both statements next week.
Bring an idea for a Voice Lessons assignment next week.
Wk 9 - 3/29/10
Crit your redo project (new work using a method assigned in class, or
significantly further develop an assignment you already attempted).
As a class vote on the next assignment and agree on its conceptual
parameters…due next week.
Pick an artist for next week on whom you’d like to do your voice lesson
Wk 10 - 4/5/10
Record artist presentation picks
Assignment #9
Do an installation outside somewhere that you leave up,
photograph/document it, and walk away. Bring the photo to class. Next
week go back to photograph it either there or now
missing/aged/partially destroyed. Bring both prints to class the next
week as well.
Wk 11 - 4/12/10
Critique outside installation assignment
Conceptualize 10 Art projects that are impossible financially,
conceptually, physically
look at books for final project inspiration, joan flasch…mocp?
Wk 12 - 4/19/10
Critique 10 impossible art projects and view second photograph of
outside installation after one weeks passing
Wk 13 - Wk 5 - 4/26/10
Artist presentations
10-15 minute audio/visual presentation on the artistic voice of an
artist of your choice…not a report on their career, but an opinionated,
well-articulated deconstruction of their practice and its conceptual
arc, evolution, innovations, visual language/vocabulary, anomalies,
successes, failures…
Wk 14 - 5/3/10
crit week (NO CLASS)
Wk 15 - 5/10/10
final critique—present a book representing all your work during the
term and any additional works that conceptually add to your grouping of
artistic gestures…have a digital version of the book to hand in on a
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Jonathan Harris collects stories
Monday, March 15, 2010
write olaf breuning's artist statement
walgreens assignment
Walgreens Assignment
A typical Walgreens store is about 14,500 square feet (1,350 m2) with 11,000 square feet (1,000 m2) of sales area. on average, 25,000 items are for sale and typically staff between 25 and 30 people per store. A typical store pulls in $8.5 million in annual sales. Most stores include a pharmacy, a photo lab, a cosmetics counter, and a general merchandise area.
The store management team usually includes a Store Manager (MGR), an Executive Assistant Manager (EXA), and at least one Assistant Manager (MGT). In 2009, Walgreens introduced the Store Team Lead (STL) position in many of its stores.
Walgreens stock has been trading in the past year between $23.36 - $40.69.
More Software
Sunday, March 14, 2010
great opportunity
due March 22nd
You will be given your Walgreens assignment, due March 22nd.
in addition for March 22nd:
Assemble all of the work you've done this term into jpgs and text documents into a digital folder that you can hand off to another student in the class. Bring this to class on March 22nd. Due March 29, write an artist statement based off of the work you've made so far, and write a second artist statement for a classmate (you will be assigned another student).
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
This blew my mind....
N Building is a commercial structure located near Tachikawa station amidst a shopping district. Being a commercial building signs or billboards are typically attached to its facade which we feel undermines the structures' identity. As a solution we thought to use a QR Code as the facade itself. By reading the QR Code with your mobile device you will be taken to a site which includes up to date shop information. In this manner we envision a cityscape unhindered by ubiquitous signage and also an improvement to the quality and accuracy of the information itself.
Watch the video here:
Monday, March 8, 2010
“Artists, audience and media have been fighting for weeks in order to get to see and participate in the new and innovating exhibition that with its "art of the news" puts the art institution itself to debate.
Reuters, The New Yorker and the TV-channel ABC News are some of the leading media that have brought the story about the original exhibition, and at P.S.1 more than a thousand visitors per day have been seeing it…" (Nikolaj M. Lassen, Weekendavisen, March 30th, 2007)
New Internet Mockup
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Carrie Schneider

Carrie Schneider is a photographer and filmmaker whose work is heavily based on performance. In her series "Derelict Self" Carrie explores the idea of mimcry and how it can be a way to both lose and secure a sense of self. She uses herself and her brother as subjects and explores this idea in relation to being a younger sibling.
Sophie Calle- Performance Artist Extraordinaire!

Sophie Calle was once described to me as kooky. It's true-- as the article posted reads, "it is tempting to assume she is mad". Calle keeps me thinking- I always find new inspiration in her work. She has turned her life into one big performance- "recording her adventures", whether they are celebratory, strange or heartbreaking. There are questions to whether or not Calle is telling the truth- but that’s part of what is beautiful about it--- its her life--- she is the one telling it, imagining it and making it.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
trying to get inspired? more performance related artists to research
20 x 13 inches, 1973-78, C-Print
tehching hsieh (is a great favorite)
yves klein
gabriel orozco
janine antoni
on kawara
b. nauman
ana mendieta
charles ray
adrian piper
richard long
barry le va
eleanor antin
terry fox
piero manzoni
bas jan ader
shaun gladwell
stan shellabarger
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Re-Do for Abstraction?
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Bas Jan Ader

Bas Jan Ader is a performance artist born in the Netherlands in 1942. He made the majority of his work throughout the 70s before his tragic disappearance and death at sea in 1975. His work didn't gain much popularity until the early 1990s. I am really drawn to Bas Jan Ader's work because he was able to make sincere gestures that captured sentimentality through performance of the body. His performances are humorous on the surface, but ultimately depressing and reflective of the time period and in raw human emotion. My favorite performance by Ader was his last performance entitled In Search of the Miraculous, where Bas Jan Ader attempted to set sail across the Atlantic Ocean – alone – in a 13ft boat. Bas Jan Ader's boat was found 10 months after the performance had began. His body was never to be found.
Nina Katchadourian